The mission is to celebrate the diversity and unity within the community of St. Nicholas Parish. Through God’s creative intervention we strive to break down all barriers by uniting person to person.
As we recognize our need for friendship and togetherness with each other and with Our Lord Jesus Christ, through the Unity Group we actively seek opportunities for fellowship and combined celebrations such as a Living Rosary, a Lenten Dinner, and in prayer in Eucharistic Adoration. We invite anyone interested in sharing their event ideas or organizational skills to our planning meetings which are announced regularly in our Parish Bulletin. All are welcome to walk with us in this ministry.
Dear God,
We join in prayer to celebrate our unity.
We give thanks in our hearts for Your grace upon us.
May we ask that your Spirit guide us in nurturing
A harmonious balance in our diverse ways of serving your purpose.
May we play our parts in the healing and forgiveness of our pains
And the pains of our community.
May hatred, intolerance, and judgement of others
Be taken away from our hearts.
May the illusion that we are separated by walls
Be taken away from our minds.
May we no longer be at war with each other and with ourselves.
May Your words, Your thoughts, and Your love flow through us,
Work through us so that we may continue to live our lives
In Your honor. Amen