By our Baptism we are called by God to serve His church; and God equips those He calls. If you are gifted with a strong ability for public speaking; are willing to attend training and periodic faith formation sessions; AND MOST IMPORTANTLY; if you have a love of scripture then God has a place for you at St. Nicholas Parish.
As Ministers in our community we must be practicing, Confirmed Catholics. Our schedule to serve one weekend Mass at least once a month is published every other month.
Lectors proclaim God's word at daily and weekend Masses. This is a wonderful way to experience a full and conscious participation in the Liturgy. This ministry is open to all confirmed Catholics. When a lector answers the call to be a Minister of the Word, the commitment is a duty and privilege to bring the scripture readings to life. All prospective lectors attend a series of classes to educate and prepare them for this ministry. Proper measures are taken to ensure that only well qualified persons will carry out this ministry.
The Lectors are challenged by the richness in the quantity and variety of readings in the Lectionary. The individual sacred authors employed various literary forms to convey the message of salvation, ranging from narratives and the poetry of the psalms to prophetic oracles and parables, from the theological expositions to apocalyptic visions. An awareness of the literary form of a particular reading or psalm and knowledge of the sacred author's style enables the lector to proclaim more fully and with greater understanding the tone and content of the text.
To Proclaim the Word of the Lord, please contact the Parish Office at 949-837-1090. WELCOME!