Meet and Get To Know Fellow Catholics on a More Personal Basis to Learn How to Apply the Gospel to Our Daily Lives.
The Faith Sharing Ministry was established to energize the parish community through small group faith sharing by discovering new ways God is present in the world and each other; to seek clarity and strengthen our faith as Catholic Christians and to express that faith in our day-to-day lives. Small faith sharing groups of 8-12 people generally meet weekly to pray, to open our hearts, minds and souls to a better understanding of the Sunday gospel, and to share this experience with each other. We seek to accomplish this in an atmosphere of friendship in much the same manner that the early Christians did in Jerusalem, Antioch and Rome. Getting together in small groups was the norm for the first Christians. They usually met (often times in secret) in the home of a fellow Christian. This allowed them to get to know each other on a more personal basis; it facilitated personal growth; and it allowed them to share the moral and spiritual support they each needed to live as Christians. FAITH Alive! ministry gives participants the opportunity to experience the same thing as the early Christians. For more information please contact the Faith Sharing Coordinator at Parish Office, 949.837.1090.