Do you feel a calling to help someone through great sorrow from the loss of a loved one? With compassion and concern reflective of that of our Lord, join in helping grieving families through this very difficult time. Bereavement does not end with the funeral. Members stay in touch with the bereaved family after the funeral has taken place. The Parish Office is the source of initial contact for the bereaved family. The Parish staff gathers information regarding the deceased and notifies the various ministries. A bereavement minister is then given this information and contacts the family to arrange a meeting as soon as possible, preferably at the parish office. The purpose of this visit is to discuss all the arrangements. The booklet on “Christian Burial” and “Scripture Readings” is given and discussed along with the Pastoral Letter for funeral services. While all the arrangements are made regarding service times and places, scripture readings, preferred hymns, sharing of memories, eulogy, the Bereavement Minister remains in contact with the family to support them and ensure that all the information is provided to the office for the priest the day before services are scheduled.
For more information, please contact the Bereavement Coordinator at Parish Office 949.837.1090